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a la entrada en que se encuentra la canción.

5000 VoltsI'm on fire
Camilo SestoMelina
Diablos (Los)Rosana
Donna SummerLove to love you baby
Fórmula VCarolina
Gloria GaynorReach out, I'll be there
Harold Melvin and the Blue NotesDon't leave me this way
Hot ChocolateYou sexy thing
James BrownGet up (I feel like being a) Sex Machine
Juan CamachoA ti mujer
KC & The Sunshine BandGet down tonight
KC and the Sunshine BandThat's the way (i like it)
Lorenzo SantamaríaPara que no me olvides
Manolo GalvánHijo de ramera
Miguel GallardoHoy tengo ganas de ti
Penny McLeanLady Bump
Sandro GiacobbeJardín prohibido
Silver ConventionFly, Robin, Fly
Tina CharlesI love to love
Tina CharlesYou set my heart on fire
Van McCoyThe hustle
